juniper a natural bacterial exterminator
juniper a natural bacterial exterminator

common juniper Juniperus communis. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

Common juniper is a shrub that likes to branch out. It belongs to the cypress family and can reach up to 10 meters. Its bark during the growth period is gray-brown in color. The needles are sharp, gray-green, and three in a whorl.

The common juniper is a dioecious plant. On one shrub there are male flowers forming small cats. A shrub with female flowers forms small cones which, after pollination, turn into a pine cone.

The fruit is this pine cone. In the initial stage, it is green in color, with time, when it matures, it becomes black with a bluish sheen. These little balls are bitter, sweet and burning with a very resinous smell. At the sight of the fruit, however, one should wait until the plant is two years old. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

Common juniper is an extremely interesting plant, not only that it looks beautiful, but also has many important ingredients for us. These substances include: mineral salts, bitterness, sugar compounds, resin, flavonoids, tannins and volatile oil.

We obtain all raw materials from natural sites. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

In herbalism we use the pine cone Fructus Juniperi and Oleum Juniperi fruit oil .

The name probably comes from the position in which the plant likes to grow. The common juniper grows fantastically in barren and fairly sandy soil. In Poland, it was used in the old folk times, as an addition to a wedding rod, which still had rue, rosemary and periwinkle in it. The whole thing was decorated with ribbons and other decorative elements. Juniper was believed to have enormous protective power against many plagues. That is why all households and game were smoked with its smoke.

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The common juniper grows today all over Europe, in North America, North Africa and North Asia. In Poland, it is quite common in pine forests, on dry slopes and on moors.



Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator
The plant loves sunny or semi-shaded places. It tolerates drought, low and high temperatures, polluted air and sterile soil well. In order for the common juniper to grow well, provide it with light, permeable, not very fertile and moderately moist soil. For the plant to grow faster, plant it in a sunny place. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

In autumn, seeds should be sown in containers, and when it grows, replant it to a permanent place. In winter, it is worth wrapping the crowns of shrubs with string or fishing line. Heavy snow that stays on the branches bends and damages the branches of the plant, which unfortunately deforms it.

Harvesting and drying: Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator
Pick the ripe fruit in the fall, after the first frost. This usually happens in October. The drying area should be dark, airy, and the temperature should not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Remember to sprinkle the pine cone quite often while drying it. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator


Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator
Put the dried fruit in a dry place. They retain their best properties for up to three years.


Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator
These inconspicuous balls hide significant health-promoting powers. Common juniper has diaphoretic, choleretic, diuretic and bactericidal effects on us. In addition, it ingeniously improves intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of gastric juice.

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Common juniper – a natural bacterial killer
Common juniper has been used in medicine both internally and externally. The alcohol and water extracts made from it treat diseases of the biliary tract. They reduce inflammation of the urinary tract. They are a real panacea for digestive disorders and liver diseases. Externally, juniper oil is added to the bath or rubbed on the body in case of rheumatism.

In cosmetics:

The fruit is used in refreshing baths. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

In the kitchen:

To get all the properties from this plant, it is better to crush it thoroughly before use. It is a brilliant spice for highly fatty meats, venison, roast beef, cold meats, pates or poultry. Juniper can also be added to any sauces and soups. It is a common ingredient in marinades and herbal vinegars. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

Common juniper is added to the production of beer and vodka. The sausages are smoked with the addition of twigs, which gives the meat a resinous aroma. Common juniper – a natural bacterial exterminator

In the garden:

Common juniper is a beautiful shrub, so it can often be found in home gardens. Sometimes it is used as a hedge.

To decoration:

During larger celebrations, you can freely decorate the table with twigs of this beautiful plant. The smell that appears at home will stay in the memory of the visitors, and the table will captivate everyone.


The brown color is obtained from the fruit, and the wood is used in carpentry. Juniper is perfectly suited to cover the wasteland.

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Common juniper should never be used during pregnancy. Also, don’t use it if you have nephritis or peptic ulcer disease. Do not use the common juniper for too long, as it may cause irritation and inflammation.