how to lower high blood pressure
how to lower high blood pressure


Lower high blood pressure:

To ever experience so-called heart disease, there are two main factors to consider: the presence of clots (thick blood) and atherosclerosis (build-up). Once we lead to the formation of atherosclerosis, the third pathogenic factor appears – hardening of these vessels. Young people have flexible arteries in their bodies. With age, however, regardless of atherosclerosis – our vessels lose their elasticity and harden. The main cause is vitamin C deficiency, which is essential for the formation of intercellular collagen. Collagen can be called “glue” that keeps the skin and blood vessels elastic. Atherosclerosis, the presence of blood clots and hardening of the vessels can raise blood pressure, which increases the risk of thrombosis, myocardial infarction, stroke and coronary artery disease. Lowering high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure.

What pressure will be best for us?

When you unscrew and tighten the garden hose, the water pressure rises and falls. Likewise, the blood pressure in the arteries increases with the heartbeat and decreases with the next heartbeat. This is called systolic and diastolic pressure. The standards tell us that normal blood pressure should be 120/80 mm Hg, regardless of age. However, when the blood vessels are blocked or the blood is too thick, the pressure increases. Lowering high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure.

In most people, blood pressure increases with age. The maximum blood pressure limit is 140/90 mm Hg, regardless of age. It happens, however, that people with this pressure often fall unexpectedly in the street due to a heart attack.

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Ways to lower blood pressure:

Our arteries are surrounded by muscle tissue. Any deficiency of calcium, magnesium, potassium or excess sodium can increase blood pressure. So by increasing your intake of these elements and avoiding table salt, your blood pressure will drop in just one month. For our body, magnesium is the most important – the deficiency of this element is associated with a high risk of a heart attack. These deficiencies cause the coronary vessels to contract even when they are not clogged with plaque. So check your level of this element. Lowering high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure.

Another method is blood thinning. How to do it? I do not recommend this, but Professor Morris Brown at the University of Cambridge, in a double-blind study, showed that aspirin reduced the risk of a heart attack by 75 percent. Such an ordinary aspirin allegedly turned out to be four times more effective than vitamin E. This result is confirmed by the results of studies published in “The New England Journal of Medicine “. 87,200 nurses participated in the study. They were given 100 units of vitamin E daily for two years. It was found that the number of heart attacks (including fatal ones) in this group was 40 percent lower than in those taking placebo at the same time. This confirms us about the next fantastic properties of vitamin E.

Omega 3 EPA / DHA fatty acids contained in fish oils also thin the blood, and in combination with vitamin E they are much more effective and much safer than aspirin.

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What causes the greatest risk of high blood pressure?

The greatest risk of highriskis caused by narrowing of the arteries. How to prevent it? It’s simple, changing your eating habits can stop this process or even reverse it quickly. To achieve the best effect, you should reach for antioxidants, vitamin C combined with lysine and fish oils. Additionally, vitamin C will slow down the hardening of the vessels. When you deliver these compounds over an extended period of time, you’ll be more effective in lowering your pressure than medications. Why? For you will remove the cause, not the symptom.

Research conducted by the Institute of Proper Nutrition on 34 people suffering from high blood pressure resulted in a significant reduction in blood pressure in the subjects. It was lowered most in those who had the highest at first. It has been shown that in people of all ages, using a special diet supplement program, the blood pressure dropped from 140/90 to 120/80 and below. The optimal  values ​​were 125/85 mm Hg, regardless of age. So when you observe 140/90 mm Hg, do not underestimate it and start the appropriate therapy as soon as possible.